Free shipping for product totals over $140

Roasting fresh daily. Ships fast before 3pm. Express option available.

mycuppa Contact Us page

Contact Us

Please visit our FAQ or pages at the bottom of the screen for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Please read the following carefully

Our Contact Us page below is the most efficient and preferred way to reach us.

We are not always able to answer the phone and a voicemail system will record your message.

Please don't use the Chat Bot (bottom right-hand corner), as it requires additional apps to be accessed and will result in a slower or longer period before we can respond. Our bot is for quick and easy pre-loaded answers, there is no human sitting on the other end.


mycuppa is a dedicated, large-enterprise online coffee service.

Our industrial facility is not open to the public.

Orders are shipped very fast, on the same day if received before 3pm (AusPost).

With 17 years' experience running a high-volume online business, we have the
skills and resources to roast, pack and ship extremely fast.

Your coffee and capsules are roasted, packed, ground, labelled and shipped under the same roof to ensure the ultimate in quality, freshness and speed.

Sorry, no shipping is available outside of Australia.

As we do not send samples, please respect this policy.