Taste is a highly subjective perception that varies amongst individuals.

We have extensive Quality Assurance in place - each batch of coffee is precision roasted by an industrial computerized system.

It's impossible to under or over-roast the coffee. That means if you claim the coffee is "burnt", that is not correct - the industrial PLC and computer systems expertly manufacture the coffee at the precise level. It's not a human driving this system.

What one person may enjoy, another may not and so on.....taste of coffee also comes down to how it is extracted or brewed. These sorts of variances do not mean the product is defective.

Coffee taste is also highly dependent upon the ways in which it is handled and brewed. Failure to adjust or clean equipment, incorrect brew temperatures and many other factors may contribute to a poor taste experience.

During the heat of summer, it's possible that coffee stored in vehicles during the day may slowly "bake" and this could reduce the quality of the coffee product.

Where to send back ?

Before attempting to send back an item or order, please ensure that you first reach out via the Contact Us page or send us an email.

Please do not attempt to send back anything until we have responded to your request.

After we have assessed your request, we may decide to issue a Return Authority (RMA) which contains all the relevant details included in our RMA.

How are items returned?

Items cannot be returned to us without a valid Return Authority (RMA).

If an approved Return Authority (RMA) has been issued by us, please ensure the item is packed well in a carton so as to ensure it can arrive back to us in reasonable condition.

Satchels are not allowed. We will not accept a returned item that was shipped in a satchel due to the risks of contents being damaged.


 Payment of refunds will be applied within 7 days of our written commitment for entitlement of any such credit or refund.

Where an item or items are required to be returned, refunds will be processed within 7 days of the returned item(s) being received by us.