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How our coffees always taste better

mycuppa uses a full cast iron roasting system to produce the best tasting coffee.

Sweet, rich and tasty coffees every time.

After owning seven different roasting plants and using them every working day for more than 18 years, it's not hard to see how we can develop a keen sense of what works best.

In 2014, after owning and operating the highest-performance coffee roasting platforms available globally, we embarked on a bold journey to design the best-ever roasting system.

Gosh, yes, it certainly was a big and ambitious target.

We didn't do it alone, instead engaging a specialist builder of roasting platforms to turn our dream specifications into a live, working system.

The proof was in the pudding when we stormed roasting competitions three months after commissioning our "pimped-up supa-roaster", winning many gold medals and bringing home the overall event champion.

To say that we blew away the Competition is a fair and deserving claim.

But this story is not about bragging rights, so let's take a few steps back to explain why our coffees differ from other specialty brands.

You can't beat cast!

Cast iron roasters were the original platform to roast coffee, and ever since then and until today, cast iron is still considered the ideal material for roasting coffee.

But don't take our word for it.

There's one thing that all of the world's most experienced roast-masters desire.

A complete cast iron platform, not a partial cast-iron drum roaster but full end-to-end cast.

Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

Complete cast-iron roasters are not readily available and are as rare as the rocking horse shite.

Builders of roasting systems stopped using total cast iron more than 40 years ago.

These days, no amount of love or money can buy one - most cast-iron roasting systems still in operation today are relics from the past, carefully maintained or delicately used to ensure their fragile and antique components survive to play another day.

On the rare occasion a dusty, dirty, broken old vintage unit comes onto the market, it's snapped up immediately.

So, it's no surprise that a similar story exists with world-class chefs and BBQ kings.

They already know cast iron has a mythical ability to impart soft, moist heat to create unique and delicious flavours.

These culinary experts would not use anything less, and neither would we.

Working with cast iron is demanding because of its fragile nature and extreme expense.

It also requires specialist expertise for building cast iron coffee roasters. Today, many brands of roasting systems try hard by marketing some element of "cast iron" in their platforms.

The truth is that the amount of cast iron used is relatively tiny; it's almost insignificant. Anything to get a sale it seems.

Hail the Supa-Roasta

We realized our dream in 2015 when our high-performance, full-cast iron system employing the most modern and up-to-date computer controls gave us exceptional levels of precise adjustment over the roast.

It's a solution far superior to any vintage roaster refurbishment or even new models available for sale. There is nothing else like it on the market.

To describe it like a Formula 1 race car that you can also drive to the shops would be an understatement.

Roasting systems nowadays are constructed using mild steel, alloy, or stainless steel. These new platforms are different from the vintage cast iron systems of the past.

We know about these differences all too well as we still own one of the world's most modern platforms.

It is easy to taste differences between a modern system and our custom entire cast iron platform. 

No contest, our Supa-Roasta imparts a delicious flavor, sweetness and perfect balance in the cup.

Some coffee brands use smoke and mirrors when discussing cleaner air or recycling energy.

But that's deflecting from their inability to use cast iron for roasting coffee to develop the richer, superior flavour levels only cast can produce.

Would you BBQ on anything but cast iron?

We don't think so, and roasting coffee is just like cooking; it's the same.

Our custom cast-iron platform ensures the precise roasting of your coffee, creating a complex, sweet, and balanced flavour unparalleled in the Australian market.

We wouldn't have it any other way.