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November 2020

mycuppa November 2020 Newsletter

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.”  — Hugh Prather

mycuppa November 2020 Newsletter

This month, we are mixing things up for something different.

During October, we took delivery of some stunning micro-lot coffees. In November, we are offering an extra two(2) coffees to feature alongside our wildly successful monthly Secret Label program.

So, it’s a choice of 3 new, exciting and superb coffees this month – our eponymous Secret Label, a juicy Filter Roast and a lovely new micro-lot. All of them are jaw-dropping delicious in their own distinct ways.

But before you jump in, folks, please be aware that one of these coffees (Microlot #5) will only be available as a filter roast (lighter than espresso).

Why Filter Roast only for Microlot #5?

On a lighter roast, this Microlot #5 displays an exceptional range of cup characteristics that could otherwise not be detectable on a deeper roast profile, e.g. our traditional milk-based espresso medium roast.

Watermelon, Kiwi fruit, sweet caramel and vanilla pods – these wonderful attributes diminish as the roast develops, so we will preserve all that goodness while generating a lovely and highly flavoured outcome.

For pure espresso enthusiasts, if you have ever wondered why lighter roasts can be so damn good for short black, this is your chance. In milk, a filter roast will have plenty of sweet acids. Still, it may lack a deeper body or longer finish compared to a traditional espresso roast, so for milk-based espresso, please look at our Secret Label or Microlot #4.

Microlot #4 has excellent cut-through in milk – just like a Katana sword—nutmeg spice on the nose, dry fruits, and golden raisins with hints of peach and stone fruits.

We tasted sweetness so intense that we had to check for added sugars!

Both micro-lots will be precision hand-roasted, small batches only. For this reason, if we receive many orders quickly, we may not have sufficient roasted stock on the day of placing your order.

Secret Label coffee

November’s Secret Label is a delicious statement of refined candy-like sweetness with just the right balance of dark chocolate and cocoa to retain the intense sweetness without crossing over that other side of the bitter-sweet divide.

Bold, rich, super-sweet and rewarding with a long textured chocolate finish. Did anyone say “Coco Popcings”?

Colombia Microlot #5 - Filter Roast ONLY

When coffee generates attractive fruits, it’s worth showcasing these attributes in their most potent form.

At lighter roasts, or what the industry refers to as a “filter roast”, the watermelon and kiwi fruits in this coffee are glorious, and it would be a shame to take this coffee to a milk-based espresso depth and lose those unique fruits.

Caramel and vanilla pods complete the picture with a nicely balanced medium citric acidity.

A coffee is ideally suited to pure espresso enthusiasts or alternative brewing fans.

NOTE:- Filter roasts are lighter and may lack the deep body and finish of a traditional espresso roast in milk-based beverages.

Available for a limited time only.

Colombia Microlot #4

No, it's not golden raisins - but something much better!

From a little-known coffee growing area within Colombia comes a big coffee with even more extensive results in the cup.

We had to re-invent the scale– we thought golden raisins were sweet, but this is on another level.

There is a hint of peach and stone fruits in the cup, particularly the clean black brew; add milk, and it's just heaven the way it slices through.

Available for a limited time only.