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October 2012

mycuppa October 2012 Newsletter

mycuppa October 2012 Newsletter

Spring represents the last chance to pick up some fresh and interesting coffees. 


Summer is generally the low season for new arrivals, so we have been very busy in September, cupping many micro-lots. 


A microlot is a small offering, usually of high quality or special.


There is a very special micro lot coffee we are loving at the moment from Burundi.


The Mirango Microlot #1 delivers good intensity up front with bright, juicy citrus acidity mid-palate and a pleasing full-mouth feel. 


At taste ending with a long-lasting Swiss chocolate flavour.


We had intended only to roast this on demand, and if you select Roasters Choice, you could be lucky, but due to popular demand and some luck, we managed to grab another ton of this exceptional bean.


Rwanda continues to kick goals for us. 


The Muraha delivers a wonderful soft orange chocolate finish, and we have some recent Inzovu.



We also purchased 180kg of a very special Ethiopia Sidamo. 


This coffee is called Strawberry Fields Forever and was the 4th place winner in the Ethiopia Taste of Harvest Competition. 


Hundreds of Ethiopian coffee farmers submit entries to win this prestigious competition. 


This coffee is only available by request.


Our Cup of Excellence coffees now include a delightful Brazilian coffee from Lot 5, Sao Marcus Norival Favavo, and from Guatemala and Honduras.