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June 2013

mycuppa June 2013 Newsletter

mycuppa June 2013 Newsletter

The RASV Australian International Coffee Awards for the year 2013 were conducted in May, alongside the World Barista Championship and World Brewers Cup.

This competition is open to global roasters and was evaluated by a panel of highly experienced coffee experts in Australia who used international scoring standards.

More than one hundred and thirty coffee brands submitted over 600 entries.

We are excited to announce that mycuppa won two Bronze medals in the challenging categories of Espresso and Milk-based Espresso.

An important distinction is that we won these medals with our EVERYDAY coffees.

Many companies purchase special coffees for competition that are likely to be commercially sold in a viable quantity or at a price that represents fair and reasonable value to coffee drinkers.

However, our company takes a different approach, as we believe in providing high-quality coffees to our customers that are both commercially available and offer great value.

Yes, we submitted our most popular blends that are roasted by us day after day, week after week and available 24x7x365 in our mycuppa store for our customers at half the price of our direct industry peers.