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April 2013

mycuppa April 2013 Newsletter

mycuppa April 2013 Newsletter

This month, we turn the focus onto one of our favourite origins - PANAMA.

There is a really simple reason why many smart US citizens elect to retire to Panama - it's a tropical paradise.


A perfect micro-climate produces some of the world's best coffee beans.


Clean, balanced, sweet, and consistent.


What more could you want in a coffee bean?


Panama Boquete


Is there a better place on Earth than Panama?


Many call it an ex-pat's retirement paradise. 


Recently, developers have been moving into this rapidly advancing country and constructing large commercial and residential facilities in what had remained for so long an untouched beauty.


Panama has a perfect micro-climate, and the Boquete and Volcan regions produce stunning coffees.


Over the last few years, the Geisha varietals have been generally regarded as the best coffees in the world - unfortunately, with a massive price tag attached.

Boquete region benefits from rich volcanic soils that develop a wonderfully clean cup.


Last year, we stumbled onto a real cracker of a bean in the superbly presented Casa Ruiz. 


So good was this coffee that we had to put down some "hard-earned" upfront to secure more of the recent crop that had just arrived in Australia in late April 2013.


One of the key reasons we like this coffee is its versatility and reliability - it never fails to impart enjoyment to a wide range of coffee lovers.


Regarding versatility, some of our specialty cafes run this as a black coffee - which is quite unusual for Central American beans as they tend to deliver quite high acidity.


But this delicious coffee has the performance to deliver a sublime creamy texture in a black brew that defies the general laws.


One word describes this coffee - CARAMEL.


Truckloads of caramel, especially in milk and the natural sweetness and creamy mouthfeel make it a well-balanced, full-flavoured cup.


Hints of apricot and stone fruit flavours are prominent when the extraction is perfect.


Available in our store in the Single Origins - Panama section.